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removeRevisionsFromDocuments(List<Attachment>) - Method in interface com.stiltsoft.jira.attachcategory.facade.SmartAttachmentsFacade
Deletes the mappings of attachments to documents.
removeTempAttachmentsForUser(Issue, ApplicationUser, int) - Method in interface com.stiltsoft.jira.attachcategory.facade.SmartAttachmentsFacade
Deletes temporary attachments.
renameAttachment(Attachment, String, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface com.stiltsoft.jira.attachcategory.facade.SmartAttachmentsFacade
Renames the attachment.
renameDocument(Issue, int, String) - Method in interface com.stiltsoft.jira.attachcategory.facade.SmartAttachmentsFacade
Renames the document.
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